Monday, September 26, 2011

Adelaide Casino (Schnitzel Challenge)

IMG_0729[1]Yeah that’s right, you read the title – a Schnitzel Challenge! Of course we were going to be there.

For the month of September, the Adelaide Casino has had a special on big schnitzels. For the price of only $12.50, patrons are challenged to consume 18 inches worth of beef schnitzel – very good value – especially when you consider that a pint is also considered in that price. Not as good when you realise it’s a pint of Carlton… this schnitzel reviewer recommends swapping it for a coke.

So an insanely big schnitzel for a very good price. Good start. And the schnitzel did not disappoint. The looks of concern on the faces of the guys as the schnitzels were put in front of them said it all. 18 inches is a lot of meat, although the schnitzel is considerably smaller in one dimension than the other, which does make the challenge doable. And you’re going to want to finsh the meal, as it’s the only way to get the free t-shirt which is for anyone who completes the challenge.

Yeah that's right - you get a free t-shirt for finishingOf course a big schnitzel is an enjoyable challenge when it tastes good, but if the schnitzel is low quality, a meal like this could be torture. Thankfully the casino schnitzel was quite edible. Maybe a little tough, a little chewy, and the crumbing broke off easily – but this is fairly standard for a beef schnitzel, and this was about the middle of the road.

Accompanying the meal are fairly tasty chips and a decent salad covered in a lot of dressing.

All in all, this is a challenge every schnitzel fan should attempt. It may not fulfil every criteria, but that much meat for this price is worth the visit. As I write, there are only a few days of September remaining, so if you’re a schnitzel lover and you haven’t got to the cas yet – you better hurry.

Taste 3/5, Size 5/5, Sides 3/5, Value 5/5, Experience 2/5
Total 72%