Oh, the highs and lows of schnitzel reviewing. So many times I’ve had high expectations shattered, and so many times my low expectations have proved unwarranted. Today, the latter occurred. Marcellina’s is a pizza & pasta bar chain in Adelaide, which conveniently also offers schnitzel on the menu. We walk in, and the place is pretty much your token Hindley Street pizza joint. My expectations are low. We are then shown out the back by our waiter (who, ironically, is Indian), where there is a very nice restaurant set-up, which could seat about 100 people. The contrast in classiness between the front and back of Marcellina’s could hardly be sharper.
My schnitzel arrives, and my low hopes are immediately lifted. There is so much food, I can barely see the plate. The salad is a ripper, there are heaps of chips, and the schnitty is also a respectable size (although quite thin). Despite not being the thickest specimen going around, the taste is nothing to sneeze at - it definitely hasn’t just been processed and deep-fried. The crumbing has been done well, and although it’s a little dry inside, I’m certainly not complaining. The gravy is right on the money (and served separately – hooray!), and the chips can’t really be faulted. For $19.80 (an extra dollar for parmi) I would expect something pretty good, and I reckon I’ve got just that.
The Verdict: If pizza doesn’t rock your boat, and you’re unfortunate enough to find yourself in a pizza bar, give this schnitty a go.
Taste 4/5, Size 3/5, Value 3/5, Sides 4.5/5, Experience 4/5
Total 74%