Twelve dollars for a parmi and a pint? Don’t mind if I do! You can make the most of this offer every day of the week at the front bar at the Ed. And when you consider that the schnitzel and chips are pretty good and are accompanied by a fancy greek salad and a bread roll, it would be controversial not to award five stars for value.
The schnitzel is a reasonable size and thickness – it is a little dry, but there’s a veritable ocean of gravy to compensate. Overall, it’s a belter of a feed for twelve bucks.
The front bar certainly isn’t the most glamorous place to smash a feed, but the Ed has quite possibly the best beer garden in all of Adelaide, so it’s a great place to spend an evening after your meal.
The verdict: Top notch value, definitely glad we came.
Taste: 3/5, Size: 3.5/5, Value: 5/5, Sides: 4.5/5, Dining Experience: 3/5
Overall: 76%