Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Britannia Hotel

Apart from having to drive through that ridiculous roundabout to get in here (not to mention the heavy emphasis on pokies and horse-race betting), this place provides an enjoyable experience for the seasoned schnitzel-eater. Actually, it’s a pretty good spot for pub meals in general. Every night there seems to be a special on something, whether it’s schnitzel, steak, squid or whatever else. And the place itself is decent. The front bar and restaurant section has a good feel to it, there’s outdoor seating and pretty much everything you’d really want in a pub.

We made a rookie error by missing Wednesday ($7.50 schnitzel day) and coming on Thursday instead. Pays to do your homework, I guess. Still, for only $15 (I think) we got what I would rate as a pretty decent meal. But when the waiter assured us that the Wednesday schnitzels were equally as good, we knew that a return visit was non-negotiable.

And so round two began.


On my next free Wednesday, I ventured back to the Britannia. And for $7.50 (you don’t even have to get a drink with it) you’re unlikely to ever have a better schnitty. It was a generous size, quite tender, very meaty and at least as good as the one I’d had on the previous occasion. The salad was reasonable as well, given the low cost. And while there were less chips than last time (and the gravy was pretty average), this is definitely a meal deal to take advantage of.

The verdict: Wednesday is the day.

Taste: 4/5, Size: 3.5/5, Value: 5/5, Sides: 3/5, Dining Experience: 4/5 (Based on Wednesday special)

Overall: 78% (probably more like 72% any other day)